Thursday, March 3, 2011

It's been awhile...

Well, about 10 months that is. Life with 4 kids is hectic and at the end of the day I'm exhausted! haha! I think about blogging all the time and it's been so long I just didn't know where to start. Since it's been so long I'm going to just pick up with where we are today and try not to think about all the great things that have passed that I could have blogged about.
Our most recent excitement is that Maddie has teeteed in the potty. I usually put her on the potty before her bath and last night she actually went in the potty. She just kept looking at me, then looking in the potty. She was so puzzled! It was like she was thinking..."How'd that happen!" Of course, when I saw what she had done, I screamed and clapped and scared her!
Ok, so after her nap I go in to Maddie's room and I find her NAKED! No pants or diaper!!! She looks up at me and says, Hi, Momma! Oh my goodness! I was so glad she had not gone to the bathroom in her bed. I picked her up and she said, Potty. So we went to the potty but nothing happened. Then, this morning when I went in to her room, I found her naked again. She had taken her pj's and diaper off. Oh, THIS GIRL! So at nap time I put her diaper on backwards with the velcro in the back. I stood outsider her room, peeking in the door. As I watched her take her pants off, I tried not to laugh. Then the grunting began. She could not figure out how to get her diaper off. I had to leave because I was laughing so hard. I figure I won this one but I'll probably have to pull out the duct tape or use a pull-up for nap and bed time. I SURE DO LOVE MY MADDIE!
Tonight I went to the dentist for the first time since we've lived here. I know, I know...3 yrs is too long! But YAY no cavities. And I need to give a shout out to Tammy Ervin!!! Yay for doing a great job cleaning my teeth!
Ok, I'm off to finish watching American Idol and I'm going to try to do better blogging more often.
Night night...


  1. welcome back!
    Great photo posted on the bottom - they're all getting sooo big! We still have your Christmas card from 2009 on our frig, keeps up thinking about you guys and lifting you up from time to time!

  2. I love it! She is the rest of you! I love your family!
