Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So this is Brent here and just wanted to post a few quotes that I thought were interesting. Here goes:

"Our vision for being involved as world-class Christians must be built on the sure foundation of God's Word. Our global commitment emanates out of the heart of God, not out of some popular fad of our times."

"Prayer is our first work in the harvest. And the reason is not hard to find. It is this: the harvest has a 'Lord'. He oversees the harvest. Someone supplies the workers. Someone controls the progress. And that 'Someone' is God. Our first business is not to look at the size of the harvest. Our first business is to pray to our God."

These are quotes from a book I have been reading by Paul Borthwick called How to Be a World-Class Christian. I am not completely convinced about everything that he says in the book although I like these quotes. The book itself when reading through all of it comes across as a little bit off-target on some of the reasons to go on missions and such. It talks a lot about doing missions because of what it can do for us. Not that those things don't happen, but, I do not believe those are reasons for going on missions in and of themselves.

I prefer to agree with what Paul Washer says about missions: Missions is about truth, God's truth and if you can't clearly share His truth, you should not go on missions.(paraphrased from one of his sermons). I believe that this is what the Bible teaches.

Well, signing off for now. I need to hit the sack so that I am not completely worn out at work tomorrow.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

It's about time!

Well, it has been quite some time since I have updated my blog! So much has happened since September that I don't even know where to begin. I think I will start with recent happenings and slowly go back to Maddie's arrival!
Life is busy! So, we are trying to trim back our activities and spend more time as a family. Emma has stopped going to gymnastics, which was her choice. I think I'm having a harder time than she is. I love to watch her because it seems so natural for her! But, I have always told her that when she was ready to quit that she could. She actually told Brent last week that she felt like God was telling her that gymnastics was more important to her than He is! Wow! I couldn't believe how mature that sounded from an 8 year old! I was really proud of her.
Molly is really enjoying school and is really wanting to play soccer. They are having spring soccer sign-ups right now. It is hard to think about playing soccer outside when it is 20 degrees and snowy! But, we are looking ahead to warmer weather and going to sign her up.
Miles is busy being 3. He loves to bug his sisters...constantly! He and Molly just feed off each other. Today I told Miles that all he was doing was being a pest to his sisters and I asked him why. His reply to me was..."I like to be a pest to 'dem cause it is fun and it makes them scream!" Oh my goodness!!! He is a little turkey! But, I love him so much. He tells me at least once a day that he is going to marry me. When I tell him I'm already married to Brent he just says, Nope, I'm going to marry you!
Maddie is growing like a weed. This past week she weighed in over 11 pounds at the doctor's office. She is starting to talk and laugh out loud. She sometimes sleeps through the night and when she wakes up in the morning, she just smiles and talks. She looks so much like the other 3. It just amazes me.
Living Hope had their first Men's conference this weekend and Brent got to go. He left Friday afternoon and came back this afternoon around 5. Boy, was I glad to seem him! I'm so thankful for my husband. He is such a big help to me. When he came home, everyone took off to the door to meet him. We look forward to him walking through the door every afternoon!
Well, that's all for now! I'm off to bed because we have church tomorrow morning. I'm so looking forward to going because I have not been for the past few weeks (due to sick kiddos). I'm going to try not to stay away from blogging for too long!