Sunday, September 27, 2009

This past week has been very busy! We are still trying to get ready to add to our family. It seems we have had a lot to do especially since we got rid of a lot of our baby stuff because we didn't think we were going to have any more! But God knows best and we are so excited to meet this precious baby soon!
The kids had a good week at school, especially Emma.  She was chosen to sing a solo in her school music program and she was also chosen as the student of the week for the "Good Attitude" award. Maybe I should give those out at home! :)
This week has also been a week full of emotions! A very dear friend found out she is expecting a baby! We have celebrated birthdays with friends. We lost a sweet member of our family. Finally, we found out that a very dear friend has a "very angry cancer" (as the doctor put it.) We are in shock over this news and our hearts are very heavy. Please pray for Mac. He and his wife are very special to our family and we ask that you join us in praying for them! We are so thankful that Mac knows Jesus as his Lord and we know God is control. Thank you in advance to those of you who will lift Mac up to our Great Physician!
Finally, our church, Living Hope, moved into a new meeting place this morning. What a blessing it was! God is moving here in Marysville and we are so excited to be a part of what he is doing here. Check out the website if you get a chance...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Welcome to the Armstrong blog! Brent is sitting next to me, staring as I write!!! We are not really sure what we are going to put on our blog but I'm typing because Brent told me too! We chose green as our "color" because that is Miles' favorite color and he tells us that everyday.
Today I went to the doctor for my 34 week checkup. Not much longer until we add one more to our family. Baby Maddie will be here at the end of October. The girls are loving school and Emma (7 yrs)  won the "good attitude" award  last week.  Molly (6 yrs) has adjusted very well which is a huge answer to prayer. Miles (2 yrs.)  continues to love playing any kind of activity that includes a ball. He has decided he needs a baseball glove for his birthday and golf clubs for Christmas. And then there is Maggie, our dog. Well, what can you say about a dog that drives you crazy!!!!