Monday, March 8, 2010

She's here!

My neice, that is. Janelle got here on Saturday afternoon and the kids are beside themselves with excitment. She will be here all week. This is the first time she has seen Maddie.

Brent and the older 3 kids picked her up at the airport and Maddie and I met them at Macaroni grill for dinner. It was an hour and half wait for a table for 6 so we cozied up at a table for 4! We enjoyed our dinner and then headed home for bed.
Sunday was a great day worshipping with our family at Living Hope. It is always such a blessing to be there. Sunday night we started a new study in our small group called Balanced (by Andy Stanley). I'm looking forward to seeing what he has to share about balancing your finances based on God's word.
Today, the girls had school so I asked Miles what we should do with Nellie. He suggested we take her to Target because she might want a new toy and a cherry icey! Hmmm, wonder who wants a new toy and cherry icey! So, we got dressed, met Brent for lunch at White Castle (Janelle's choice) and then headed to Target where Miles got his icey and a few little things.

Maddie has been really fussy these past few days, so I took her to the dr this afternoon to make sure her ear infections had cleared up. She weighed 12 pounds 11 ounces. What a big girl! She had a great doctor's visit and he could not find anything wrong. Which is a great blessing! So, basically, my sweet baby girl is spoiled! I'm going to work on that! :) Tonight Maddie tried cereal for the first time. I don't think she cared for it much. She cried and kept spitting it out. I guess we will try again tomorrow. Here are a few pics of Maddie trying to eat her cereal!

I decided that I was going to work on getting her to go to sleep on her own in her own bed. I got her ready for bed, put her pacifier in, and put her in her bed. She cried for a few minutes, a few different times, but I kept putting her pacifier in her mouth. She went to sleep on her own!!!! Yay, Maddie! Hopefully, she will get some good sleep.
Today was beautiful day outside and we are predicted to have another one tomorrow. We are going to the zoo and chick-fil-a for lunch.
Here are a few more pictures from the past few days...

Friday, March 5, 2010

Miles "shaking his booty!"

A little bit of time!

A little bit of time is all I need to update my blog but it is so hard to find! I like to update at night after the kids go to bed so that I can take my time and think about what I want to post. Especially since I'm not blogging every day. Well, this past week and a half Maddie has been a little clingy. She doesn't want to sleep in her bed. So that means, at night I'm holding her. It is a little hard to hold a baby and blog at the same time! :)
Well, this morning for some reason Maddie decided that when I tried to put her in her bed for a nap, she would cooperate! Yay for answered prayers! I'm so thankful that God hears my prayers, even the tiniest little prayer about my baby's sleep habits!
Last Thursday, Brent and I took Maddie to Children's Hospital to meet her surgeon. We were really pleased with him and were thankful for all the time he spent with us. I'm going to use my blog to keep everyone udated when she has her surgery. I think that will be the best way to keep everyone informed!
We have had a pretty good week and seem to be on the mend from all of our ear infections! I started back to our Ladies' Bible study this week. We are studying John 15 through Denise Glenn's Freedom for Mothers Bible study. I've already done this study before but I"m so excited to be doing it again! God is already teaching me new things and reminding me of things I already know. Funny how He knows of the things we need to be reminded of, right when we need to be reminded!
Tomorrow my niece is coming in town for a week. We are all looking forward to the time we get to spend with her! She is a precious young lady and my kids just love her!
Well, I hear my sweet baby calling me from her bed so I better run! Here are a few pictures from this past week...

Maddie and I went to the mall. I think she is a great shopper!...

The kids at our small group Sunday night. We ate dinner together since it was our week off.

Maddie is 4 months old!

Brent is helping the girls paint their toenails because they couldn't wait until I finished feeding Maddie! What a great dad!!!